
A Sock Tale
How socks have been a comfort zone for my nonverbal autistic son.
Autism Super Centers
I would love to see a one-stop place that can attend to all the needs of a child on the Autism Spectrum.
Capture the sounds of your Child at School Events
Utilize a tape recorder at the school program so your child can listen to how they performed.
Choosing Your Battles
The phrase 'choose your battles' is a mantra uttered by many parents. For parents of children with an Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), the mantra can mean the difference between sanity and chaos.
Communication Pitfalls for Parents
These pitfalls between professionals and parents include a lack of communication and the manner in which communication is presented to parents of children on the Autism Spectrum.
Connecting With Other Parents
A compilation of blog sites where parents can gain insights from other families and learn of new resources.
Daily Activities For Children with Autism
A compilation of the simple things many go about doing in any given day that cause discomfort and are difficult for the child on the Autism Spectrum.
Dealing with a screaming child inside a store
A child on the Autism Spectrum having screaming fits while doing errands with parent.
Discussions With A Ten-Year Old On The Autism Spectrum
A variety of conversations sharing what happens to be on the mind of a ten-year old who is high functioning.
Executive Function and Teenage Will
The battle between executive functioning and the teenage will has begun. Understanding the need for increased independence, while struggling with the knowledge that executive functioning deficits do not necessarily align with that need are a personal challenge.
Explaining Asperger's Syndrome to Children
Explaining labels and diagnoses to a child with Asperger's can be frightening and frustrating. Each family's experience is unique, but there are resources available to help families who want to discuss Asperger's and Autism Spectrum Disorders with their children.
Fair, But Not Equal, Parenting
Raising children is not easy. For years, our family focused on trying to make everything equal in order to keep the peace. Our attempts failed. When we refocused our efforts on being fair, rather than equal, we found what worked best for each member of the family.
Finding Support
Parenting a child on the autism spectrum can feel isolating and overwhelming. It is important to develop healthy, supportive relationships with people who understand the daily and lifelong challenges of parenting a child with special needs.
Articles and tips to assist families with events on these days, what to buy and eat for the Holidays.
House Rules and Family Experiences with In Home Personnel
Our experience with home therapy including an overview of rules a family may want to enforce for visiting therapists in their home, as well as what agencies require of families when a therapist is at the house.
Hypervigilance and the Autism Parent
Hypervigilance is a reality for parents of children on the autism spectrum. Understanding what it means can be both terrifying and validating.
In Tune With Your Autistic Child
Communicating without words with a non-verbal child on the Autism Spectrum.
Kids with Autism Can Help Around the House
This is a review of a step-by-step chore system to teach children life-long skills.
Making Ends Meet
Some resources for families that are at the end of their rope in trying to survive and feed their family.
New Year To Do List
Families with a child on the Autism Spectrum need to take time to explore and implement these ideas for the New Year.
Organizing Your Autism Family
Sharing ways to keep track of pertinent information that is relevant to autism families.
Out Of The Ordinary
Some things that my children on the Autism Spectrum find bothersome.
Reflections, Rewards and Reservations
Our family has always struggled and experimented with finding the right educational fit for our son with Asperger's. The recent journey has been filled with successes, while the unknown future causes reservations.
Resources For Families
Here are some sites that assist families in times of need, offer loans, mentors and support.
Rules For A Respite Worker
These are what I put into practice for finding a suitable Respite Worker for my children on the Autism Spectrum.
School Issues to Focus for Autism Family in 2009
Listing what issues this single autism family of two teen boys needs to focus on for 2009.
Single parenting two autistic children
It seems hard to separate your life as an individual when you are the only parent raising children trying to do it all.
Springtime for an Autism Family
Sharing changes that take place for autism families with the start of the spring season.
Structure, Routine, and the Summer Collapse
Structure and routine are integral to success for children with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD). Summertime provides decompression time, but the lack of structure and routine can often be as frustrating as it is relaxing.
Suicide among Asperger Teens
A look at the transition into the teenage years for those with Asperger´s Syndrome and why some make the tragic turn to suicide.
Summertime Blues for an Autism Family
Contemplating the summer break now and the three weeks between autism daycamp and the start of school in September.
Support Groups
A variety of support venues for parents, whether it be online or face to face.
Teen Issues
Articles and links to help parents teach and discuss topics like puberty, sex, drugs and alcohol with their adolescent on the Spectrum.
Thanksgiving Diary
A wrap-up of what a day like any other day, that happens to be Thanksgiving is like for a single parent of two boys on the Autism Spectrum.
The interests of children with Autism through the years
Children on the Autism Spectrum go through phases where their interests are varied. This article will cover these in themes.
Tools for Inclusion [offsite link]
Publications, fact sheets and pdf files for inclusion. Covers SSI, person-centered planning, job seekers with disabilities, moving on to high school.
Unique Member Sites for the Autism Community
A spotlight on newer community websites that fill a need for autism families in particular, as well as the special needs community for support.
Visitation Issues for children on the Autism Spectrum
Make sure your children are safe and protected at all times, including when with the non-custodial parent.
Links marked with the [offsite link] designation point to websites not associated with is not responsible for the material found there.
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