Supervisor Skills

A Manager’s Guide to Surviving Year End
Year end office parties are a definite morale booster for employees. The time between the end of October through the beginning of January, however, can be a nightmare of nonproductivity in the office. Here is a guide for managers to use to get through the season.
Are You a Bossy Boss or Meek Manager?
There are all types of bosses – hands off, hands-on, micro-manager. The lists of labels are endless. In order to be a successful manager, it’s important to walk the fine line between being a bossy boss or a meek manager.
Are You Ready to Be a Manager?
Promotions are often done regardless of whether or not an employee is capable of doing the job as manager. Are you management material? Think you’re ready? Here are the skills necessary to be a successful manager.
Creative Ways to Compliment Your Staff
We all know a compliment can go a long way. Sometimes what we may mean as a compliment, however, is not as sincere as we may think. Learn creative ways to give your staff a compliment.
Difficult Employee Situations – Book Review
Odor problems, chronic lateness, poor performance…not sure where, when or how to start the conversation with your employee? Perfect Solutions for Difficult Employee Situations by Sid Kemp, helps managers learn to not only identify the problem, but also start the conversation.
Do You Keep Your Employee's Guessing?
Have you ever wondered why employees don't do what you ask them to do? Why can't they follow the simplist of insructions? Have you ever thought that perhaps the problem doesn't lie with the employees? Perhaps the problem is you. Does your communication style keep the employee guessing?
First steps to successful management
In part two of the series on why managers fail to manage, we are discussing how to turn the situation around and become a successful manager. It's never too late to get started.
How Favoritism Affects the Workplace
Favoritism in the workplace can lead to all sorts of problems for management – from low morale and low productivity to lawsuits. It may be hard not to single out a favorite employee, but if you’re concerned – here is how to identify and stop favoritism in the workplace.
How Managers Can Help During the Holidays
Holidays are a time of cheer, but when employees are having difficulties whether emotionally or financially, the manager needs to step in to relieve some of the stress. Don't know what to look for? Here are some areas you should be paying attention to keep up morale.
How to be a Better Manager
Do you think you're the perfect boss? Your employees might disagree. While you cannot please everyone, there are steps you can take to be a better manager.
How to Coach an Employee
Coaching a good employee through a rough patch or turning an average employee into a stellar performer are essential skills for any supervisor. Not sure where to get started? Here are five simple steps to effective coaching.
How to Conduct Performance Eval Meetings
Conducting a performance evaluation meeting is never easy, but it's a necessary task of every manager. While the meeting may never be a breeze, here are nine tips to help you conduct a productive performance evaluation meeting with even the most disgruntled employee.
How to Decrease Employee Burnout
Burnout is a very real part of today's workforce. Increased workloads and decreased staffing have created a workplace nightmare. Unfortunately, the bottom line is that customer service suffers as a result. Here are five proactive steps to take to decrease burnout and increase customer service.
How to Effectively Engage Employees
Employee engagement is a hot topic among managers trying to reconnect with their staff. How do you motivate employees to be productive? How do you bolster employee interest in the organization? Here are simple actions to re-engage employees.
How to handle Employee Conflict
Most employees and managers try to steer clear of conflict. What should you do when the conflict gets out of hand and requires intervention? Read on to find the best way to handle conflict in the workplace...
How to Help Employees Find Purpose
How do you help your employees to regain their footing when they have lost their sense of commitment? Here are 5 ways to help your employees gain a renewed sense of purpose.
How to Mediate a Dispute at Work
Conflict resolution is an important supervisory skill. What happens when two employees can not seem to get along? When should you step in? How do you step in? Curious on how to successfully mediate an employee conflict?
How to Motivate Your Employees
The success of an organization rests on its ability to motivate good employees. Contrary to management’s popular belief, employees are not solely motivated by money. Are you a supervisor who is not sure what will motivate your staff to achieve performance excellence?
How to move from Manager to Leader
It's a brand new year and you're thinking about setting new goals. How about making the commitment this year to move from a manager to a great leader. Here's how...
How to Overcome Resistance to Change
Change happens every day. If that is the case, why are so many employees resistant to change? How do you go about getting employee buy-in?
How to Prepare for a Coaching Session
It's time for a coaching session with your employee. There is often a lot at stake. What do you say? How often do you meet? How do you make sure it's effective? Don't panic! Preparing for a coaching session is easy. Learn how.
How to Receive Feedback as a Manager
Managers are not the only people who should provide feedback on their staff. Employees should also be afforded the opportunity to provide feedback on management. How you handle that feedback, however, can make or break your management credibility.
How to Recognize Employee Value
Difficult employees – it’s so easy to dismiss or ignore them. Before you write an employee off, however, take the time to recognize their hidden talents. Not sure how to go about it? Discover a process that will help you get started!
How to Say No to Your Employees
Management is not a popularity contest. There are times when you will need to tell your employee “no.” Believe it or not, there is a right way and a wrong way to say it. Keep your working relationships intact, learn how to say no.
The Art of Preparing Performance Evaluations
Supervisor 101 - a performance evaluation should never be a surprise. All supervisors are taught this lesson from day one, but how often does it ring true? So many supervisors find evaluations difficult (or scary) to write. Here are some tips to make it easier.
Why are managers failing to manage?
Employees are not the only ones that can cause problems within an organization. A manager that is unable to manage their employees can cause even bigger problems.
Why Managers Fail
You've heard the famous line "failure is not an option"? What happens when managers fail? Their staff suffers. Here are 5 reasons why managers fail..
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