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United Tastes of the American Table

by Allyson Elizabeth D´Angelo
If you want to experience regional flavor from across the United States, this book is packed with it! Experience, easy to make homemade recipes, inspired by the diverse home cooks of America!

Are you are looking for some new and exciting recipes to liven up your dinner table? Look no further, as the United Tastes of The American Table has 64 pages packed with 47 easy recipes, and over 30 mouthwatering photographs.

Whether you need quick and easy appetizers for game nights or unexpected guests, fast heart warming soups to satisfy the soul, simple and healthy salads, comforting entrees or delightful sweeties - my book has all you need to put a fabulous tasty dinner on the table.

My original recipes are easy-to-make and suited for busy home cooks on hectic days. They combine flavors of cultures and regions from across the United States and are packed with fresh and local ingredients - including farmland produce and fresh herbs!

You can purchase the United Tastes of the American Table for only 99 cents. This will be downloaded and you may forward this to your family and friends as well. Nice little stocking stuffer for the holidays.

So, if you love to cook and want to impress your family and friends without having to break a sweat, these recipes are for you to enjoy!

Saute away! ~ Ally :)

Pages: 65
Price: $0.99 US

This ebook is available in both PDF and EPUB format.
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