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B E A U T Y   &   S E L F   E B O O K S

Beauty is about your outer self, that you present to the world. You can get tips on updo styles, fashion sense and make-up. Beauty is also about your inner self, finding joy and peace in the world.

  F E A T U R E D   E B O O K S 

g Time Management Course

by Lisa Shea
From Benjamin Franklin to Leonardo Da Vinci, from Mother Teresa to Oprah, every person on earth works within the same 24 hour time constraint in each day. This time management course will help you optimize every day, every hour, every minute.

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g Travel - Green Living Series

by Lisa Shea
Travel is a necessary part of our lives. We need to take short trips to the grocery store, medium length trips to get to work, and longer trips to visit relatives. It's important that we take these trips in as eco-friendly a manner as possible.

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  E B O O K   L I S T I N G 

Updos For Every Occasion
by Lynne Chapman
Updos for parties, proms, weddings or the office. Follow these simple instructions to begin creating them yourself!
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The Secrets of Ageless Women
by Lynne Chapman
Be Beautiful at Age 30, 40, 50 and Beyond. We have all noticed them – those women with timeless beauty. Their hair is always youthful and current, but never obviously trendy. Learn their secrets of ageless beauty.
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Reduce Stress Instantly
by Lisa Shea
These instant, use-immediately tips will help you reduce stress and regain calm.
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Perfect Wedding Hair
by Lynne Chapman
Your wedding day is your special time and should be just the way you want it to be, a reflection of you. "Perfect Wedding Hair" is over 48 pages of great hairstyles and ideas for your wedding. On sale now for your Spring and Summer wedding.
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Light Up Your Love Life: Training for Romance
by Debbie Mandel
Concrete, fun and comprehensive tips,emotional tools, visualizations,and exercises to help you attract the love you want or refresh the mundane love you now have.
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Learning to Say NO and Say YES to Your Dreams!
by Lisa Shea
One of our most precious commodities we have is time. By saying NO to some things, it leaves us the time to say YES when the perfect thing comes along. This is really about saying YES to the things you dream about.
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Health and Beauty Recipes - Green Living Series
by Lisa Shea
Many skin care products are easily made at home with eco-friendly materials and for a far cheaper price. Look into making your own facial masks, shampoos, and lotions. You will not only save money but will have healthier skin and a healthier environm
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Hair Color
by Lynne Chapman
Learn to do your own hair color! Avoid mistakes. Learn how to get the right color the first time.
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Vintage Made New Again

Economic and Environmental Impacts of El Nino

The #1 Lawyer Book Review


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Summertime Foods
Corn on the Cob
Burgers on the Grill
Apple Pie

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