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g African American Lit Site

BellaOnline's African American Lit Editor

 E D I T O R   P I C K S  

Here are the Editor's Picks articles for the African American Lit Site! These are the top ten articles that your African American Lit Editor feels are most important for you to read. Enjoy!

1. She is Simply Phenomenal
My reflection upon the writings of African-American writer/poet Maya Angelou, and the imprint that her words have left upon my life. Her influence has been profound and eternal.

2. For Colored Girls by Tyler Perry
A review of the movie “For Colored Girls” screenplay adapted by Tyler Perry from the choreopoem “For Colored Girls who have Considered Suicide When the Rainbow is Enuf” by Ntozake Shange.

3. Chasing the Avatar by Jovan Jones
This is a review of the debut novel by Jovan Jones who left Harvard to pursue spiritual enlightenment by living in India for two years.

4. Dancing with the Avatar by Jovan Jones
The Battle between the forces of Good and Evil continues for Maya's Soul in "Dancing with the Avatar", Jovan Jones' 2nd novel in the "Descent Series."

5. Dark Province: Son of Duprin by William H. Johnson
A review of the debut fantasy novel “Dark Province” by William H. Johnson

6. Patches of Grey by Roy L. Pickering Jr.
A review of "Patches of Grey" a tale of reckless ambition, boundless optimism, ironclad convictions, bitter disillusionment, the complexity of race relations, the confusion of self-exploration, naivete of first love, inevitability of heartbreak, and the demise of innocence.

7. An American Marriage Book Review
As a book club selection, this novel will surely generate interesting discussions as there is so much to explore. However, does the basic story make for a great standalone read? That depends on if the reader can get past its one glaring flaw.

8. Do Not Skip on Editing
Are you an aspiring writer who is dying to publish your book but cannot afford an editor? Skipping the editing process is never a good idea but there are options for getting eyes on your books without having to pay for it.

9. Sunday Morning Secrets by Shirlita K. McFarland
A review of the book that reveals secrets from the Pulpit to the Club and beyond in "Sunday Morning Secrets" by Shirlita McFarland.

10. A Racial Bias
From the Editor - Feedback from readers can be helpful and it is often enlightening. However, it can also be a reminder of how race weighs heavily on the minds of some readers.

Be sure to visit the African American Lit Archives for all the articles!


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I Forgot to Forgive Myself by Sue Thomas

Starting a New Book Club

A Racial Bias

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